In a world increasingly polarized by political ideologies, the essence of true democracy often seems clouded by the noise of extreme left and right rhetoric. At Restoring American's Values, we believe in upholding the principles of democracy as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. As we dive into the concept of tyranny, it's crucial to reflect on the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, who designed the American Constitution to safeguard against any form of oppressive rule. The lessons of constitutional education are vital for the voters of tomorrow, who hold the power to uphold or undermine these democratic principles.
“Tyranny Right or Left”

Understanding Tyranny
Webster defines tyranny 1) as a government in which all power is in the hands of a single ruler, 2) as a harsh, cruel, and severe government or conduct, and 3) as a tyrannical act. It is a significant historical misquote that Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States, allegedly said, 'When tyranny becomes law, rebellion duty.' While never stated by President Jefferson, this author believes it to be a statement of truth. However, we need to understand that tyranny can come from either side of the political spectrum, right or left.

Government Ownership
Winston Churchill stated that the great divide in government came in two forms: “people own Governments” and “Government own people.” He called it the great divide in government. He put the United States and England with their constitutional governments on the “people-owned Government” side and the now defunct Soviet Union and WWII Germany on the “Government-owned people” side. The Soviet Union, now Russia, was a far-left government, and WWII Germany was a far-right government.

Analyzing Political Claims
Interestingly enough, the left in the United States wants us to believe that the right is trying to destroy democracy because, in their opinion, if elected, Donald Trump will become a dictator while at the same time, they, as a party, march locked, armed, and stepped. Which side is correct? That is for the American Voter to decide. Is Trump going to be a dictator because he said he would only on day one drill baby drill, with no mention of plans for the future, which constitutionally is not feasible? Or is it the left who is trying to keep him from becoming President with court case after court case and wanting to deny American citizens the right to vote by proof of citizenship by adopting a picture voter ID law?

Critical Voting Decisions
When you go to the voting booth this year, you must know where your candidates stand. Do they support the American constitution or one-party rule? I fear a dictator, whether they be installed by a takeover of the one-party rule or by a man elected by the people trying to overthrow the constitution. Ask yourself this question: Which way would be the more accessible, one-party rule where the courts are packed, and the entire legislative branch is one party with a President from that party? Or is one man taking over by fiat?
It is your decision as a voter. If you make the right choice, you will be by the people-owned, not government-owned people. This country was founded on the principle of self-governance, a government for the people by the people with the guarantee of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” At Restoring American Values, we are dedicated to promoting constitutional education and patriotic education to empower the voters of tomorrow.