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“Every night I would pray to God to take the helm to right the ship USA”. Then one morning during prayer God said to me “Why don’t you get off your duff and do something I can help you with?” When I get a nudge from above I act. Hence this project is my answer to God’s question. Please help us spread the message and be part of The People’s Voice to Restore Americans Values! Volunteer or donate!
Restore American's Values (RAV)The People’s Voice
"Inspiring the American electorate through insight"!
We aim to provide detailed information on the candidates running for the office representing the country and citizens of the United States. Participants from the Senate, House of Representatives, or the Office of the Presidency, we intend to analyze all political candidate desires and to assess whether they are in line with the Americans’ values. Moreover, we look forward to restoring the American values for generations ahead and understand why this country was founded on the principles of government for the people, by the people.
We want to unravel the true colors of democracy and how it may directly lead to socialism. Draining the people’s wealth to create elite societies that control the leadership will be the demise of this nation. To quote Thomas Jefferson,” When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
We, as ordinary citizens of the country, seek simple solutions to simple problems. Are intent is to be the voice for Americans who may not be vocal enough. Join us now to get presidential election insights and political engagement initiatives. We wholeheartedly endorse amendments in the constitutions of the USA and support nonpartisan election initiatives.
Support Nonpartisan Election Initiatives
Our goal is to promote Candidates for the National Office who promise to restore the Constitutional Republic that the United States was formed regardless of party affiliation; nowhere in the Constitution does the word democracy appear. However, Article IV Section 4 does mention “Union a Republican Form” in other words, 3 distinct branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Inclusive and Liberal
We do not believe in one-party rule. We desire to support candidates who are going to reach across the aisle. Work together to restore the country’s government to the parameters set forth in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that their creator endows them with unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
The Declaration by the People for the People
The Declaration presents that we, the “people”, not the government, have the right to alter it or abolish it. We, the people, have the right to a fair and balanced government as set forth in The Declaration and the US Constitution, and we will promote candidates who will vote to end corruption in the DOJ, DHS, DOD, and DOE.
All who serve in the government take an oath to defend the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It still essentially appears that many have violated that oath when it comes to domestic security. We believe that these agencies, including Congress, have been infiltrated by domestic enemies and need to have a house cleaning.
We need to restore law and order to all facets of American life; we think it is about time someone addressed black-on-black crime.
Ensure each candidate has read and understands the US Constitution. We believe that many people swear and affirm to uphold a document they have not read. An example would be “We need to defend and protect our democracy,” which is the call by many when we are a “Constitutional Republic”. How can you serve a country when you don’t even understand its governmental principles?
We support school choice to ensure our education system is overhauled so that no child is left behind. We believe in teaching the basics of reading, writing, and math but include US History and Civics (if you delete the past, you will indeed repeat it) and, along with it, propose:
- a) Bringing the trades back to the high school
- b) The racial, sexual, and religious discrimination is being perpetrated throughout our school system with the 1619 project and CRT
- c) Politicians pay lip service to radical equality but don’t support school choice in the inner cities. At this point, public education underserves minority communities.
We support term limits for Senators (2 six terms) and House (4 two year terms) to ensure that nobody can be enriched by their job.
2024 Election Education
RAV wants to ensure that all processing chip manufacturing is conducted in the USA or with our allies. Along with this, bring back pharmaceutical production to the U.S.
We support bringing all manufacturing back within our borders or allies.
We have total faith in border security as a matter of national security.
We support voters’ IDs and would support a National Vote Day
We are pro-life; we do not believe this is a political issue. This is an issue between a woman and her God and shouldn’t be funded by the government.
We believe in live and let live but do not believe that a country founded on Judeo-Christian values should set aside a month celebrating pride in people’s sexual preferences.
We are 100% supporters of the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and have a strong desire to end race-baiting. Studies show that race relations were at their highest until President Obama then declined, rose again under Trump, and are on a decline again under Biden.
We believe in equality, not equity. We believe that equity is a socialist way of redistribution of wealth and is destroying our Republic.
We believe that if taken from the government, you need to give to the government in the form of service in time and or labor, if physically or mentally able.
Stand up; Support Our Cause Donations
We, the people, are tired of the rhetoric, spin, and word salads when it comes to speaking to the people. We desire straight shooters who are not afraid to share the truth, and yes, we can handle the truth. You can’t agree to fix a problem if you don’t know it’s broken. Vote to restore 2024 elections as the date in history that changed it all. Support Our Cause Donations for our fundraising for campaign education programs to be a part of the bigger picture.
Raise Funds for Voter Education
Your efforts in funding us will provide us with a strengthened and solid foundation to signify what is essential for the people. By making these contributions, you can create Political Engagement Initiatives, allowing us to indulge more Americans in our cause. You can help us through the following ways:
2024 Election Merchandise
Our 2024 Election Merchandise will showcase you to be a proud member and an honoree ambassador to our cause. This will not only help us acquire funds but will also generate a marketing asset for the election year’s civic engagement.
2024 Election Information Hub
Providing a direct dais to get informed for 2024 Election while also proving a natural salesperson to RAV as a vocalist and putting your opinions out there will get us to raise funds for voter education.

About the founder James “Jim” Oechsler
Restoring American Values is a mission-driven organization founded by a passionate individual who has dedicated their life to promoting and preserving the core values that make America great. Jim is the founder of Restoring American Values, an organization that is committed to restoring the United States of America to the Constitutional Republic it was founded on. Jim believes in the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. He is driven by a desire to ensure that these principles of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are upheld for generations to come.
Restoring American Values is a mission-driven organization founded by a passionate individual who has dedicated their life to promoting and preserving the core values that make America great. Jim is the founder of Restoring American Values, an organization that is committed to restoring the United States of America to the Constitutional Republic it was founded on. Jim believes in the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence. He is driven by a desire to ensure that these principles of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are upheld for generations to come.
With a passion for and a deep understanding of the Constitution, Jim has dedicated his life to promoting patriotism and encouraging fellow citizens to uphold the values upon which this great nation was built. Jim spent 50 years of his life defending these values both in and out of uniform. With a deep commitment to advocating for the principles of freedom, equality, and justice, our founder has built a team of like-minded individuals who share this visionary goal. Through inspiring leadership and tireless effort, the founder of Restoring American Values is making a significant impact on the lives of people across the country. Jim and his team are working tirelessly to restore American values and preserve the legacy of our nation’s founders.
James “Jim” Allan Oechsler (EXLER) SR, who was born Miller Jr., adopted Oechsler and, at 75 years of age, found out that his real father was a gentleman named Frank D. White. The story is being told in his book Give Credit Where Credit is Due, which he hopes to have published by the fall of 2023. He has struggled with depression most of his life, was married, divorced, lost a child to a hereditary disease, and remarried for 45 years. Along Life’s bumpy roads, he had many reasons to give up, blame society, blame the military, blame God (and he did at times), or blame others for his failures and misdeeds. The easy road would have been to give up and be a drag on society. However, he took the long-road approach, which was to pick yourself up by the bootstraps, kick yourself in the buttock, and get going again.
Jim quit high school midway through his junior year and joined the Navy. After early success, he thought he was on the road to an easy life. But God had other plans after the loss of his baby girl to ontogenesis imperfect (Brittle Bone) and meningitis. His career took a turn for the worst. Even though he asked God to take her on her last day, he was still mad at God. His failures were of his own making by missteps along life’s highway, and he gives God the credit for his successes in life. He received his GED certificate after graduating from “A” school in the Navy. Even though he never attended college, he was able to become an instructor in seven different courses. He designed, developed, wrote, and taught the Navy’s first workforce management course worldwide for 4 years. He was a Navy Recruiter, Aviation Systems Analyst, Management Analyst Instructor, and Head of Naval Aviation’s billet structure. He worked his way through to E9, Master Chief Petty Officer. He was cited for his role as a workforce analyst, as an instructor, and as the functional developer of the Navy’s workforce management system. After retiring from the Navy in 1991, he immediately went to work supporting the Navy first as a contractor and then civil service; his civilian life culminated as a GS-15 as a Deputy Chief of Staff HR, where he received the Superior Civilian Service Award. He retired from serving his country in 2014 and is now on a journey to right the course of the ship to the United States of America.